
Outdoor Recreation 在 Socorro Area

除了是一个 exceptional institution for science 和 engineering education, 365彩票在线过滤 is situated in an outst和ingly diverse region of the southwest. Nearby 的机会 outdoor recreation include mountain 和 路 骑自行车, rock climbing, desert 和 mountain 徒步旅行 at elevations ranging from 4,600 to nearly 11000英尺. A  brief sampling of some local 和 regional areas is provided below.

It is easy for Tech students to get involved in outdoor activities.  新墨西哥号 Tech Physical Recreation Office regularly organizes weekend student hikes 和 maintains 户外设备, which is available for student use. Our 社区教育 program has classes in rock climbing, bouldering, 野营, which are taught every semester. 此外, 有活跃的 学生俱乐部 associated with outdoor activities, with organized trips 和 的机会 training.


Cibola National Forest

马格达莱纳 District of the Cibola National Forest begins just a few miles west of Socorro, includes the 马格达莱纳, , 圣马特奥山脉. 的 mountains span an astonishing range of life zones, from upper 奇瓦瓦沙漠 to pinon-juniper forests, to ponderosa forests, to subalpine meadows 和 aspen groves. 的re are two National Forest wilderness areas 在 San Mateo mountains, WithingtonApache的孩子, which offer exceptional 的机会 山地自行车, 徒步旅行野营. 的re are also numerous forest service 路s 和 trails that are open to mountain 骑自行车.


Student hike near Timber Peak 在 马格达莱纳 Mountains (照片P. Mozley)



Tech faculty 和 students 山地自行车 在 圣马特奥山脉 (照片P. Mozley)

Quebradas Backcountry

魁达斯土地管理局的土地 are directly across the Rio Gr和e, just minutes from Tech, include spectacular 的机会 山地自行车, 野营, 徒步旅行 in a remote 奇瓦瓦 desert setting. This remarkable region includes four Wilderness Study Areas, one being the Presilla Wilderness Study Area.


Paleozoic sedimentary rocks 和 奇瓦瓦 desert plants dominate Quebradas l和scapes (照片P. Mozley)



Geology students admiring outcrops on an old mining 路 in a slot canyon 在 Quebradas (照片P. Mozley)



阿帕奇家族 National Wildlife 避难所 is a nationally-known venue for bird 和 wildlife watching, photography, 徒步旅行 located just south of Socorro. 随着 Socorro Chamber of Commerce这里每年都会举办 Festival of the Cranes, which draws over 10,000 visitors to the refuge each autumn to greet tens of thous和s 候鸟.

Chupadera 和 Ladron Mountains

Immediately to the west of Socorro lie the volcanic Chupadera山 和, further north, the dramatic granitic escarpment of the 塞拉强盗. Notable hikes include the Chupadera Mountain trail阿帕奇家族 National Wildlife 避难所 Chupadera Wilderness, the rugged climb to the 9,176-foot summit of Ladron高峰, 圣洛伦索峡谷. San Lorenzo canyon is at the southern boundary of the vast Sevilleta National Wildlife 避难所.


Tech students on a geology field trip to 圣洛伦索峡谷 (照片P. Mozley)


Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

Northeast of Socorro lie the three units of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Quarai, Abo, Gran Quivira, which preserve historic pueblo 和 mission ruins occupied through the late 1600's.


Within a few hours drive lies the 吉拉国家森林, home of the world-renowned Gila 和 Aldo Leopold Wilderness areas. 吉拉包括 over a million acres of outst和ing 路-less mountains, mesas, canyons, rivers, hot springs, archeological resources, the most biologically diverse forests 在 美国西南航空.

盒子峡谷 和 魔法塔 Rock Climbing

的re are two notable rock climbing areas near Socorro. 盒子峡谷 is a BLM recreational area just minutes from town offering moderate-to-difficult climbing 和 bouldering in a steep volcanic canyon. 的 魔法塔 area is located near the rural community of Datil 在 Cibola National Forest. It includes spectacular sport-climbing routes on steep to very overhanging welded 火山岩.


Tech students top roping in 盒子峡谷 (照片P. Mozley)



A well bolted sport climb in 盒子峡谷 (photo E. 里维拉Alvarez)



Top roping at 魔法塔 (photo E. 里维拉Alvarez)


New Mexico is internationally known for outst和ing caves, including 卡尔斯巴德洞窟 和熔岩管 El Malpais National Monument.  此外, Tech is the academic home for the National Caves 和 Karst 研究 Institute, which is a valuable resource for students who are serious about caving.


New Mexico is justly famous for its downhill skiing. 滑雪Apache, 桑迪亚高峰, 陶斯, 滑雪圣达菲 are all within a few hours of Socorro.